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Gynecomastia is characterised as the growth of male breasts or the expansion of the male breast in men. Gynecomastia during puberty is brought on by a hormonal imbalance that occurs at this time.
An imbalance of the sex hormones testosterone and oestrogen may result in gynecomastia. Breast tissue expands as a result of oestrogen. Even though all men make some oestrogen, males typically have far higher levels of testosterone, which prevents the oestrogen from encouraging the growth of breast tissue.
Procedures for Gynecomastia:
Liposuction- The breast gland tissue is not removed with this procedure; only the breast fat is.
Mastectomy- The breast gland tissue is removed during this kind of surgery. The procedure is frequently performed with very little incisions. Less recuperation time is required following this less invasive kind of surgery.

Procedural steps:

Mammography is the method of choice for radiologic examination of male breast tissue in the diagnosis of gynecomastia when breast cancer is suspected on physical examination. However, since breast cancer is a rare cause of breast tissue enlargement in men, mammography is rarely needed. If mammography is performed and does not reveal findings suggestive of breast cancer, further imaging is not typically necessary. If a tumor of the adrenal glands or the testes is thought to be responsible for the gynecomastia, ultrasound examination of these structures may be performed.

The spectrum of gynecomastia severity has been categorized into a grading system: Grade I: Minor enlargement, no skin excess Grade II: Moderate enlargement, no skin excess Grade III: Moderate enlargement, skin excess Grade IV: Marked enlargement, skin excess

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