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Post burn deformity correction

Post Burn Deformity Correction

Orissa Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, advancing the path in aesthetic and reconstructive procedures, holds a prime place in the field of burn and plastic surgery in Bhubaneswar. From minimally-invasive procedures to complex surgical corrections, our team prides itself in providing unparalleled service quality in a patient-friendly environment. Our Burn Plastic Surgery Clinic in Bhubaneswar employs modern surgical techniques and innovative solutions that result in minimal discomfort and quick recovery time. Redefining looks and restoring identity, Orissa Cosmetic Surgery Clinic is committed to bringing out the best version of you.

Post-burn abnormalities include contractures, depigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and loss of a piece of an organ or tissue, such the lips and pinna. Allowing a serious burn of the second or third degree to heal normally could lead to anomalies. This could lead to modest to extremely severe contractures of the affected body parts, depending on the location and size of the burned area as well as how long it takes for the lesion to heal. These kinds of crippling anomalies are possible. To fix these anomalies, one or more procedures can be required. For the treatment, long-term physiotherapy is also required.

Procedural steps:

Skin Grafts- Given that less secondary contracture develops after surgery when compared to split-thickness skin grafts, full-thickness skin grafts are the standard for coverage after burn contracture release.

1. Hair-bearing areas are avoided when harvesting full-thickness skin grafts; instead, the forearm or groyne are used. The majority of donor locations are closed.

2. Skin grafts are sutured and donor sites are closed with absorbable sutures (such as chromic or plain gut, 4-0 or 5-0 size).

3. To properly drain fluid and blood, skin grafts are pie-crusted.

4. The recipient wound bed is covered with a nonadherent dressing and a tie-over bolster to compress the skin transplant.

On day 5, these patients are checked in order to remove the splint.

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